Crafted by Hand -Masham
The fab team at Crafted by Hand have now launched this as an online event. Please check out their website: for all the makers taking part including myself, as we’ll be selling our wares online this year. There’s a little video below of me talking about my work, which I made especially for the event.
Message from the organisers:
Unfortunately due to the pandemic, we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel Crafted By Hand's physical Winter show, instead we have invited our Winter makers to take part in our virtual online Show!!
This Winter over the weekend 6th-8th November, we will be providing opportunities to buy directly from some of the makers via our Instagram Stories. If you don't already, follow us on Instagram & keep an eye out on our stories or search #CBHOnlineShow to find out what the makers have for sale that weekend!
Please click on the different categories below; to see who is part of the online show, find out about our featured makers & most importantly follow the links to their website & shops.
Also watch the videos by our featured makers, to learn more about them & their work. These can also be found on our Youtube page here.
If you can support them in anyway over this period of time, it will mean so much to them as individual artist & makers.
Thank you & enjoy,
Josie & Charlotte x